Brew Review

Beer Review – Southern Tier Blackwater Series Crème Brûlée Stout

Southern Tier Creme Brulee

The other day, G-LO stopped over for a quick beer (I seem to start a large number of posts this way. I’m starting to think that he might have a problem). In any event, G-LO stopped over and since we were only having one beer, we went with a more dessert type of beer and opted for the Southern Tier Crème Brûlée. As we picked up a couple of glasses and a bottle opener, we were joined by our better halves (I say this not so much because I believe, but because they might be reading this and am somewhat obligated to refer to the Benevolents in such a fashion). As we poured out the beer, we passed the glasses on to our spouses, and after a quick nosing, we lost our glasses. Apparently, the Crème Brûlée had that fantastic first note that forced their hands and left G-LO and I empty-handed. As a consequence, G-LO suggested that if they wanted to drink the beer then they would also have to review it. Sadly, this proposal did not deter them and they also took our pens and paper.

Before we get to their review, here is what Southern Tier has to say about their Crème Brûlée:

We are not the harbingers of truth as some may suggest but it may indeed be argued that our brewing philosophy is tantamount to a dessert with a bellicose past. How, you may ask, would a brewery determine a likeness to hard-coated custard? Our response is simple; it’s all in the power of history, and of course, the extra finesse needed to top off a contentious treat with definition.

By comprehending the labyrinthine movement of time, one would not think it strange to trace the errant path of an ordinary object such as a cream dessert only to discover that it has been the cause of cultural disputes since the middle ages. The British founders of burnt cream and from Spain, crema catalana, both stand by their creative originality and we respect that, but it was the French Crème Brûlée, amid the strife of contention, that survived to represent our deliciously creamy brew. .

Here’s what the ladies thought of this beer…

  • Appearance: Deep, thick black with a quickly dissipating tan foam and lots of lacing.
  • Aroma
    • Benita: Butterscotch, molasses, mocha and caramel with a hint of cherries.
    • Madame Rouge: Huge butterscotch notes with hints of vanilla latte, chocolate chip cookie batter; like a mocha frappuccino.
  • Taste
    • Benita: Smooth, softer than the dark appearance would suggest. It tastes just like the aroma would suggest .
    • Madame Rouge: Much like the aroma; almost like a cheesecake with a bit of bitterness on the back end.
  • ABV: 9.6%

The Verdict

G-LO and I would like to offer our opinions on the Crème Brûlée, but all that was left were dregs. Overall, the ladies found this beer to be very enjoyable and certainly something to be paired with a good dessert. Vanilla ice cream or a big slice of cheesecake; maybe even a dark chocolate cake. While certainly not the kind of beer to over indulge, the inclusion of this beer in the dessert course of any beer pairing dinner would not disappoint.

18 replies »

  1. What’s with the watered down nicknames? It’s not like we don’t already sleep with one eye open. Let’s go for total insomnia! Madame Rouge = Khmer Rouge and Benita = Benita Mussolini. It’s just a matter of time now.

    Re: the beer, Benevolent Dictators or not, there’s no arguing with their assessment. This was a tasty brew! A 6 ounce pour along with the desserts mentioned above would be spectacular.

    Nicely done Sir! You perfectly and succinctly summarized our lives AND our wives. As the saying goes, “Every day is a gift!”. Let’s enjoy it while we can…



    • Yeah, every day is a gift! Although on some days, I am looking for the gift receipt. And, I watered the down the nicknames so as not to anger the Benevolents. Plus, if you say their names three times into a mirror, they (and their wrath) appear.


      • Please. Like watering down the names is gonna save us. Seeya in Hell Amigo! The first round of BLL with a Loch Dhu chaser is on me. 😈


    • And, have you found a way out of it. Actually, I can’t complain. It is rare that I have a beer that Benita will actually want to drink. Her usual comments range from “You’re not really going to drink that are you?” to “They have to know how bad their products is; don’t they?”


    • This was a pleasant surprise. I had their Old Man Winter and it was okay. I had their Plum Noir and I didn’t like it. But, their 2XIPA is fantastic!


  2. As dessert beers go, this one is fantastic. But, it is still a dessert beer. Splitting a bomber with some friends over dessert is the only way to drink this. You certainly couldn’t spend your night with this in a session. And, your suggestion of a Crème Brûlée float … to the boozemobile!


  3. But I noticed that they drew the line at actually WRITING the review. Slackers. This beer makes my fillings itch just walking past it on the shelf. I like it, but I can’t get through a whole bottle, Tracey usually helps. And there’s still some left over.


    • As a dessert beer, this is fantastic but I can certainly see that it is the kind of beer that is suitable for a particular time and place. And, since it is a dessert, it is made for sharing.


  4. Ahhh, good to know that the ladies liked it. My lovely bride has found exactly one beer she liked, Allagash’s Black Belgian Stout. This sounds like one that I can convince her to try. Thanks,


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