Brew Review

Beer Review Poetry – Stone Saison

Stone Saison

When I took that first sip, I was somewhat surprised.

I reread the label and thought that Stone lied.

Though they called it Saison, to me it said Wit,

But when the chill subsided, I started to get it!

There goes that clove and that sharp coriander,

The flavors took hold, so that my mind didn’t wander.

It’s spicy at first, with soft fizzy bubbles.

After a couple of these, you’ll forget all your troubles.

As you approach the middle, it becomes quite dry,

With a peppery bite, that I just can’t deny.

The finish is crisp, with a lingering heat.

This beer screams for food, I need something to eat!

Some creamy blue cheese or some fine charcuterie.

Stone Saison is the right beer for me!

8 replies »

  1. G-LO is a poet
    and I didn’t know it?!
    How can this be
    his prose reads so wonderfully?
    Alfred E. Newwwwman
    with an ee cummings flare
    photos and sonnets
    Whiskyfabric, beware!
    From dorky me to poet you
    Let the boozy, lunacy just continue
    from metro Philly to the shores of Nantucket
    And if you’re not inclined, then just say…


  2. Hmmm. Poetry. I’ve always thought this site was a little highfalutin, what with its love of pricey spirits and events attended with oversized, spherical ice. Suspicion confirmed!


    • Highfalutin? Us? No way! We’re just struggling to keep up with the verbal stylings of those like you, Ed, Oliver, and several others. And this Aaron guy we recruited is no slouch either.

      As far as the poetry, I tried really hard to not go all Andrew Dice Clay with this post. Naughty Mother Goose. What’s not to love?


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